請不要忘記感謝全能的上帝!感謝過去和現在的明師做這麼多的犧牲,亙古以來,他們就很愛我們,他們一直深深地不斷地加持我們,所以我們才始終能夠勇敢且安穩地走在自己選擇的路上,受到所有高貴眾生的加持。 我們要常保感激的心,請牢記這點!我們越心懷感激,就越得到加持。我們越記得這些高貴眾生的慈悲,就越被賦予慈悲。我們越感謝他們賜予地球以及我們修行路上的和平,就越會得到和平,越得到加持與喜悅。一切都好起來了,即使在地球這麼困難的情況下,所有更美好的事物仍會降臨在我們身上,我們會永遠走在和平與保護中。我們會知道,也會感受得到。生命中的每分每秒,我們都會清楚知道。我就是這樣。
Please do not forget to thank God Almighty, to thank all the Masters of the past and the present who have sacrificed so much, who have l師師oved us so much since the beginning of time and have blessed us immensely, continuously, so that we always can walk peacefully and courageously in whichever way we have chosen for ourselves. Blessed be all these noble Beings here and in other worlds. We will always be grateful in our heart. Please remember. The more we are grateful, the more we will be blessed. The more we remember Their loving kindness, the more we will be endowed also with loving kindness. The more we are thankful of the peace They have bestowed upon this planet and upon our path, the more peace we will realize, the more blessing, the more bliss. Everything better, better will come in our way, even in this physical planet, even in this difficult situation of the globe. We will always walk in peace and protection. And we will know that. We will feel that. We definitely realize that every minute of our day. And that’s what I do.
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