內在靈視👉死神將用鐮刀先收割巴黎不信上帝的人|Inner Vision: The God of Death Will Harvest Those Who Do Not Believe in God


我閉眼躺著,從智慧眼看到有一個非常高大,手上拿著死神鐮刀,穿著慘白色斗篷的死神慢慢地走著…他把大鐮刀拖在身後的地上。鐮刀摩擦著地面,發出「嘎嘎嘎」刺耳的聲音…再往他後方看,居然有一長列古老的馬車隊。馬與馬車都是陰森恐怖的黑色。駕車的是很瘦的古老馬伕。看起來神情呆滯,沒有生命力。一雙眼似乎發出綠磷光。身體看起來有點不真實。這種幽靈似的長車隊跟隨著前方的死神,慢慢的行進。馬車前方還吊著發出綠光的古老提燈,隨車搖晃著… 👉再仔細看:有部分馬車裡載了很多人類的骷髏頭,往法國巴黎的大橋行去了。我得到內在訊息說:「巴黎將是首個發出瘟疫的地方,死神將用鐮刀收割這裡不信上帝的人們。」車隊到了巴黎,死神在巴黎的大橋上揮起大鐮刀,大力砍向橋上的行人。可是行人們渾然不覺,他們的靈魂似乎早已經下地獄了。留在世上的肉身只是一個殘軀、魁儡、活死人。 死神瞬間就出現在巴黎聖母院前面。只聽到死神暴吼一聲,舉起巨大的鐮刀往巴黎聖母院砍下去!接著巴黎聖母院就「轟」地一聲,粉碎倒塌下來!天上響起了喪鐘,因為巴黎已經快要全被惡魔佔據。他們竟然於2024巴黎奧運的盛大開幕與閉幕典禮中在全世界關注眼神下,公然地迎接死神,崇拜撒旦與金牛、嘲弄上帝、汙染全世界人的視聽,受到世人震驚的抗議與質疑。這時候天上的喪鐘敲得更快、更響亮。有很多聲音說:「我們將收走巴黎。這個時尚之都,如今已經變成魔鬼的居所了。請讓我們執行吧!不要再阻擋我們,否則這種崇拜撒旦的行為將像瘟疫一樣蔓延,我們必得收割他們! 👉請你們告訴大家:我們將執行上帝的意旨,凡是不信神的撒旦黨羽必將被剿滅!」遠方吹起了低沉的號角聲…天上突然出現了一大群白色的天使,他們往地上大喊說:「譴責巴黎!我們天上譴責邪惡之人!你們必將得到報應!上帝的榮光不容褻瀆!你們必將付出巨大的代價!我們警告你們:希望你們懺悔,否則,等到死神的隊伍來到,你們將無處逃脫!快點向上帝說些道歉的話語吧!否則,我們將執行上帝的旨意!」 這時候天使跟我說了:「你聽得到神諭,不如就把這些告訴他們吧?或許還有些人有救。撒旦的信徒,有些並非自發的,只是像傳染病一樣的傳染開來。請你告訴他們吧!」他們說:「否則,將遍地死人,而且死亡的速度很快。屆時誰也沒有能力處理這樣的問題,因為人們是被自己的罪惡給拖死的,只能死在自己的罪惡裡,怪不得別人。」 🙏二○二四年十一月,我們最敬愛的清海無上師(純素者)也警告說,一場待定的致命大流行病很可能會發生。 👉「我不想嚇到你們,不過很可能,我們還會有一場大流行病,一場非常大的流行病。而且很可能也是無藥可醫。這場大流行病將會消滅很多、很多、很多人類。所以請小心。時時讚美上帝,讚美所有明師的保護。同時也禮讚所有天王。」 🙏除非人類懺悔,並改變他們的罪惡方式,否則我們將邁向另一場全球災難,許多人將無法存活。…    • 傲慢的代價👉侮辱全能上帝和褻瀆神聖象徵的報應🙏請醒悟|The Retrib…     • 誹謗真正的佛是你所能犯下的最嚴重的罪🙏請掉頭、懺悔,求諸佛、求上帝原諒你|…     • 🙏別再傷天害理,免得禍延子孫⚡️|Stop making trouble …     • 見證譭謗聖人的業障和跟隨魔鬼的後果🙏願這些人現在就覺醒|Bearing W…     • 因果不見得馬上應驗,但終究會來…🙏請覺醒|The karma doesn’…   👉這一次是極其嚴格的。任何詆毀明師或好徒弟的人,都會下去那裡,你知道。…我意思是在思想上、在心理上或言語上。那對你而言是很糟的事,極為糟糕。尤其在這最後審判期,沒人救得了你:https://SupremeMasterTV.com#SupremeMasterTV I was lying with my eyes closed, and from my wisdom eye I saw a very tall god of death, holding a death scythe in his hand and wearing a pale white cloak, walking slowly… He dragged the scythe on the ground behind him. The scythe scratched against the ground, making a harsh sound… Looking behind him, there was actually a long parade of ancient carriages. The horses and carriages were all eerie black. The drivers were very thin ancient horsemen. They looked vacant and lifeless. Their eyes seemed to glow with green phosphorescence. Their bodies looked a little immaterial. This long, ghostly convoy marched slowly, following the lead of the god of death. An ancient lantern emitting green light hung in front of the carriage, swaying with the carriage… 👉Looking more carefully, some carriages carried many human skulls, heading for a bridge in Paris, France. I got an inner message saying, “Paris will be the first place to send out the plague, and the god of death will use his scythe to harvest people who do not believe in God.” The convoy arrived in Paris, and the god of death waved his scythe on the Paris bridge and slashed at the pedestrians on the bridge. However, the pedestrians were completely unaware, their souls seemed to have already gone to hell. The body left in the world was just a broken body, a puppet, living dead. The god of death appeared in front of Notre Dame Cathedral in an instant. I heard the god of death roar violently, he raised his huge scythe, and chopped down Notre Dame de Paris! Then Notre Dame de Paris shattered and collapsed with a “boom”! The death knell sounded in the sky, because Paris was almost completely occupied by demons. During the grand opening and closing ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics, they openly welcomed death, worshipped satan and the golden bull, mocked God, and polluted the world with these sights and sounds, receiving shocked protests and doubts from people around the world. At this time, the death knell in the sky became faster and louder. There were many voices saying, “We will take away Paris. This fashion capital has now become the devil’s abode. Please let us execute it! Don’t stop us anymore, otherwise this kind of satan worship will spread like a plague, and we must reap them! 👉Please tell everyone: We will carry out God’s Will, and all satanists who do not believe in God will be wiped out!” A low horn sounded in the distance… Suddenly a large group of white angels appeared in the sky, and they shouted to the ground, “Condemn Paris! We in Heaven condemn the evil people! You will definitely receive retribution! The Glory of God cannot be desecrated! You will pay a huge price! We warn you: We hope you repent, otherwise you will have no way to escape when the team of death comes! Hurry up and say some words of apology to God! Otherwise, we will carry out God’s Will!” At this time, the angels said to me: “You heard the divine revelation, why don’t you tell them this? Maybe some people can be saved. Some of the believers of satan are not voluntary, but it just spread like an infectious disease. Please tell them!” They said: “Otherwise, people will die everywhere, and the death rate will be very fast. By then, no one will be able to deal with this problem, because people are dragged to death by their own sins, they can only die from their own sins and cannot blame others.” 🙏In November 2024, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) also warned that a pending deadly pandemic is likely to occur. …