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(Is there a ranking of meritorious diets?) Of course, of course.
👉Meat diet is no merit at all – it’s eating up our merit as well. For example, if you have like 100,000 points of spiritual merit and you are eating meat in this lifetime, and that will be deducted according to how much meat you eat, and then maybe you even have a deficit in spiritual merit. Then you have to be reborn into a very lower level of life or suffering in the next life or this lifetime even.

🙏So, at least, the less meat, the less burden to the body and the soul and the mind. And vegan or raw vegan is much, much more preferable than meat or egg or dairy products, of course. They are lighter to the body and more agreeable for spiritual practice.

👉Selling meat, fish, eggs, you will lose 100 million to half a billion per year.
1️⃣If somebody owns a meat or fish restaurant, lose 500,000 to one billion points spiritual per year;
2️⃣if owns an alcohol bar, like a pub or something with alcohol, lose 100,000 to 400,000 per year:
3️⃣own a slaughterhouse, lose half a billion to six billion points per year;
4️⃣own a meat animal farm, lose one billion to three billion per year;
5️⃣own or working on a fishing boat, lose half a billion to three billion per year.
6️⃣And work as fisherman, a worker for that, for money, lose 300 million to one billion per year.
👉My God, these people, they will never be able to go to Heaven. They keep having to reincarnate again and again because they keep losing so much spiritual merit that even if they have a lot in the store, they will lose them all.