


The cleaning cannot stop until all the beings are almost at a similar level





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That anyone who has not elevated into at least the Second Level, they will be in trouble, or be eliminated, or they eliminate themselves, or they eliminate each other. (OK.) And no God or no Master, nobody can ever interfere, because they have to go somewhere else. (OK.)

And we know already that people don’t die; they just change rooms, change environment. So, the Astral people have to go somewhere else where it is full of Astral beings, and live together until they have a higher understanding of spiritual evolution. You get it? (Yes, we hear You loud and clear on that.) On one hand, we are very sad to see disasters around the world, and we have tried our best, as you guys know that – we try with financial, physical, spiritual, and emotional support. We do everything we can to help them, to help the living. And the dead, we cannot do anything.

Anyone under Third Level is still at risk. Do you understand me? (Yes, Master.) But the Astral people are more directly impacted by that. But the Second Level, they still hang around there doing some other job that they have not finished.

Only the Third Level people are more protected, and they only go when they have to go. When they finish their destiny here and they practice well, then they go up to a higher level. But mostly, Third Level people are well protected; you can see. Well, maybe you cannot see, but it’s like that. The cleaning cannot stop until all the beings on this planet are almost at a similar level. At least the Third Level and above. That’s the way it is right now.