




          清海無上師 2023.10.08 以英語開示 

The liberation of your soul should be the foremost important goal in your life. Because if you lose this time, it would take eons, eons, eons, hundreds, billions, thousands of billions, trillions of years before you can regain your status as a human again or as animal-people or don’t know what. Whatever you have done in your life and other myriad of lifetimes might come upon you; you might not be able to be free. You might not see the Sun. You might not have any physical body given to you so that you can have a chance to redeem your past misdeeds, your past sins, which sometimes are not all your fault, but were influenced by the negative power in the physical world.

As I have told you, 41% of this world’s population is either born by demons, supported by demons, influenced by demons, controlled by demons or are demons themselves in the form of humans because they borrow the bodies of humans. When somebody’s weak and vulnerable, they will be able to do. And sometime when you sleep, the soul goes out, and they will be able to enter your body and use your body to do many things that you will not be able to fight against. And sometimes, consciously, you don’t want to do this and that, but something pulls you, something forces you, and you do things and later you regret. Or your body is completely controlled by the demons, and you could never regain it again. And your soul is floating around or in limbo somewhere, unable to have control of it, and just lives in misery.

And even in the astral body, you’ll still feel hungry, thirsty, but nobody will help you because your soul has been already cast away, cast aside. And if these demon magicians use these gap-words or methods between the karma, then even the Lord of Karma doesn’t know about it. It’s not registered in the karmic system, and it’s not registered in the body’s mind as well. So nobody can help you. You just float around, frustratingly having hunger and thirst, but you won’t die and it’s always like this. And forever cold, hot – anything would affect you just like it affects your physical body, but then you can’t do anything about it. And this is such a terrible, horrible, and utterly helpless situation.

I would never want anyone to experience it. But sadly, the karma that the humans have done, that the beings on this planet have done, will be able to allow the demons and magicians to do that. And even not just one person, him or herself, but that karma, the consequence will affect her business, her family, her loved ones, husband, wife, children, great-grandchildren, etc. Even will affect the dog- or the cat-person that they love. This is a terrible thing.